Sunday, May 4, 2014

Does Vitamin D Have To Do With Foot and Ankle Injuries?

In a new correlation study, those who have foot or ankle injuries are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D. This new relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk for foot and ankle injuries may help with dietary advice for seniors, athletes, and others with a propensity to have bone damage. 
Vitamin D has a dual purpose in our bodies: first to act as a nutrient and second to be a hormone. Traditionally it has been a main factor in helping to build and repair bone. Other research shows that vitamin D can reduce chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancers, multiple sclerosis, and infectious diseases. 
However, getting the amount of vitamin D you would need to promote your health is difficult. Dairy products and fatty fishes contain vitamin D, but most Americans do not consume enough of these to meet their daily intake requirements. Some foods now, like breakfast cereal, fortify their products with vitamin D. It is possible to get vitamin D through sun exposure, but one would have to sit outside every day for 15 minutes to receive the proper benefit. 
Those who do not receive enough vitamin D through their food intake will often be told by their physician to take a vitamin supplement. 
There is a debate going on among medical professionals as to how much vitamin D a person should acquire in a day. A 2010 study says that the USDA guidelines should be tripled to 600 IU per day. This is a level higher than what the average multivitamin contains, typically at 400 IU. It is unclear as to how much vitamin D is needed for optimum health.
The recent study published by Foot And Ankle International looked at the relationship between vitamin D and foot and ankle injuries. The study involved 75 people, all whom had suffered a foot or ankle injury. 47 patients had levels of vitamin D that would be considered insufficient (less than 03 ng/mL) and 13 percent were found to be vitamin D deficient. The study also found that those who had suffered a fracture had significantly less vitamin D than those who only sustained a sprain.
However, this was just a correlation study and there is no evidence to support the idea that vitamin D causes foot and ankle injuries or visa versa. Further studies would be needed with supporting evidence to prove this claim. 
Reference: Liberty Voice
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  1. Vitamin D both prevents and treats many sports injuries, including those of the foot and ankle. It increases the ability of muscles to respond quickly - thus reducing the probability of getting sports fractures. Overview of Vitamin D and Sports is at

  2. I must say you have explained the role of Vitamin D in foot injuries quite brilliantly. Many of us aren't aware of these facts. Can you recommend me some good natural sources of Vitamin D?
