Thursday, March 8, 2012

Men's Foot Problems

Men and women have some similarities in their foot problems, but they also have a number of differences. Since we all have less time to think about our feet these days, we thought we'd get the men out there thinking about what some of the differences might be. Let's admit it guys, we usually tend to wait too long to seek medical care. We avoid our medical problems until  they become too serious to ignore. The term "weekend warriors" often applies to us, especially when we start on a new exercise routine. We also tend to binge on exercise during the weekend. And while we're making a list, we are less likely to use the proper type of shoes for activities, and we tend not to prepare for those same activities with stretching before and after exercise.
When you experience an athletic injury, it's important to do the right thing fast. Call your podiatrist to discuss any and all foot and ankle injuries. The doctor may recommend that you treat your injury at home or may recommend that you meet him or her at the office or the ER. While you're waiting, remember "RICE"- rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Another problem that men may be more prone to is "athlete's foot", which has a great title for a crummy infection. While most men over fifty would love to have "athlete" associated with them in any way, this condition is probably not what you had in mind. Athlete's foot is a skin disease caused by a fungus, usually occurring between the toes. The signs of athlete's foot are dry skin, itching, scaling, inflammation, and blisters.
Men can do a lot to prevent infection by practicing good foot hygiene. Daily washing of the feet with soap and water, drying carefully, especially between the toes; and changing shoes regularly to decrease moisture, help to prevent the fungus from infecting the feet. Men should also avoid walking barefoot, wear socks that keep feet dry, and change them frequently, and reduce perspiration by using a powder recommended by the podiatrist.
If an apparent fungus condition does not respond to proper foot hygiene and self care, and there is no improvement within two weeks, consult your podiatrist. The doctor will determine if a fungus is the cause of the problem. If it is, a specific treatment plan, including the prescription of antifungal medication, applied topically or taken by mouth, will usually be suggested.
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  1. Vinegar and baking soda is a good way to treat athlete's foot. Soak your feet for around 15 minutes on a solution of vinegar and water. You can also try to place your shoes under the sun so that the fungus that's in your shoes can get killed.

  2. "weekend warriors" is the exact term we can use for ourselves.
